Dental Treatment

Dental implant can help to replace a missing tooth. These are screw-like devices and the dentist inserts implant into the jawbone which acts like an anchor for your artificial tooth. There is a device known as abutment for connecting artificial tooth to dental implant. The crown is customised to fit in the person’s mouth and match with teeth colour. Dental crowns will give you the look, feel, and function of natural teeth.

Implants have many benefits over dentures which are removable artificial teeth. Dental implants:

  • are more comfortable and natural
  • improve the function of chewing
  • have greater rate of success
  • cause lessened sensitivity in surrounding teeth
  • lead to lower risk of cavities developing in adjacent teeth
  • cause better maintenance of bone at the site of lost tooth
  • do not need to be cleaned every night

But dental implants might not be the right choice for everyone. The implanting devices need to be bonded with the jawbone so that the bones remain healthy before performing implant method.

Different Kinds of Implants

You will find two kinds of dental implants and these are – subperiosteal and endosteal.

The dentist will be affixing subperiosteal implant at the top of the jawbone. This is an option for the ones who do not have much height to the jawbone. On the other hand, endosteal implants are the most common and the surgeon embeds them into the jawbone. Each will be able to hold one or more artificial teeth.


Dental implant surgery is safe when it is performed by a qualified surgeon. It is the only dental restoration which can maintain the health of jawbone and stimulates its growth.


Some people may not be the right candidate for implant surgery. It is not at all safe for dental surgeons to operate on people who suffer from:

  • Severe diseases
  • Soft or bone tissue infection or disease
  • Uncontrolled metabolic ailment

The person might have to undergo a surgery in the case the problems can be resolved.

There are situations when the dentists abstain from operating on the ones with:

  • Diabetes
  • HIV
  • heavy smoking habits
  • AIDS
  • Psychiatric or behavioural disorders
  • parafunctional habits like clenching or grinding
  • osteoporosis

If people with any of these mentioned above have to perform Dental Treatment, there is greater risk of your implant failing completely.

Dental surgeons may not want to operate on people who are undergoing these treatments due to higher risks of complications. Some of these include:

    • Chemotherapy
    • Radiation therapy of the neck or head
    • Bisphosphonate drug therapy for bone loss ailments

Possible Complications With Implant Surgery

People who perform this procedure might suffer from complications during or afterwards. Some problems might include the following:

  • opening of incision after the surgery
  • implant exposure above the gumline
  • infection of implant
  • nerve damage which causes altered sensation in your surgical area
  • movement of implant

People who suffer from movement or implant exposure might need to perform other procedures to improve the health of gums and bone or remove the implant.

Below are some signs and symptoms that the implant placement has not been successful:

          • progressive and quick bone loss
          • implant is very mobile
          • pain when tapping dental implant
          • pus or other secretions that come from the site


    Each person will probably have different experience of implant surgery. Certain factors that can influence this include the following:

    • the number of teeth which needs replacement
    • the quantity and quality of bone at implant site
    • the underlying oral health of the person
    • the location of the implant into the jaw

    Based on these factors, other procedures might be needed which are the following:

    Sinus Augmentation

    The placement of teeth implant in your upper jawbone is difficult due to the location of sinuses. The surgeon might need to perform sinus augmentation for lifting the floor of sinuses to allow more bone to develop so that the implantation can be successful.

    Ridge Modification

    Some people will have abnormality into your jawbone that prevents sufficient bone for an implant from developing further. In such a situation, the surgeon may ask you to perform ridge modification. This will mean lifting the gum for exposing deformed bone area. The surgeon will use a bone to repair and build up the area which improves quality of the jawbone with implant surgery.


    After performing implant surgery, you should continue to brush and floss teeth daily. Your artificial teeth require same care and maintenance like regular teeth. The surgeon or will schedule follow-up visits to monitor implants so that your teeth and gums are healthy. It is important to see a dentist once in every 6 months for professional cleanings.

    Dental implants are fixtures into your jawbone for replacing missing teeth. Implants have greater success rate and provide benefits for a long term. Some people require additional methods to prepare their mouth for implants which add up to overall costs. The kind and number of implants required may increase cost. Anyone who wants to undergo implant surgery should ask their dentist at smile dental clinic in London and know whether it is the right choice for them.